科研动态Research News | 我院曾昭璇班蒋沁怡、王园园同学在SSCI期刊Land上发表研究成果

华南师范大学地理科学学院/学院新闻2024-09-06 01:20:00来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文

近期,我院曾昭璇班2021级本科生蒋沁怡、王园园以共同第一作者在《Land》期刊(SSCI index, Q2)发表题为“Human Capital, Life Satisfaction, and the Floating Populations Urban Settlement Intention in CitiesA Case Study of Six Cities in the Pearl River Delta”的研究论文,论文通讯作者为我院特聘副研究员王宇渠老师(主要研究方向是人口迁移与城市化,移民与管控)。


LandISSN 2073-445X)是一本国际跨学科学术期刊(中科院分区2区),专注于土地系统科学及相关领域的深入研究。自创刊以来,一直是土地科学、环境科学和生态学等领域学者交流和分享最新研究成果的重要平台。5年影响因子为3.235



The urban settlement intention of the floating population and its influencing factors have received widespread attention, but there is less literature on the relationship between human capital, life satisfaction, and the urban settlement intention of the floating population. Employing 2146 questionnaire data from the Pearl River Deltas floating population, this study establishes measurement indicators for human capital and life satisfaction, constructs a structural equation model, and examines the influence of human capital on life satisfaction, as well as their collective impact on the floating populations urban settlement intentions. The findings reveal that human capital influences multiple facets of the floating populations life satisfaction, which subsequently shapes its desire to settle. Considering individual life satisfaction, the economic well-being and social security contentment of the floating population exert a notable impact on its urban settlement intentions, whereas satisfaction with emotional life and public service facilities appears to have a less pronounced effect. Further investigation into how varying levels of human capital modulate the influence of life satisfaction on urban settlement intentions, alongside the transition from fundamental economic security to psychological needs (about life satisfaction), holds substantial referential value for research on population migration and the development of citizenship policies in China.

By Qinyi Jiang; Yuanyuan Wang; Xiaomei Ye; Xinger Li; Weimin Pan; Yuqu Wang*,Human Capital, Life Satisfaction, and the Floating Populations Urban Settlement Intention in CitiesA Case Study of Six Cities in the Pearl River Delta. Land 2024, 13, 817. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13060817

初审 | 袁亚娟

复审 | 鲍锟山

终审 | 刘云刚
